AI Tools For Market Research

AI is rapidly transforming the market research landscape, offering a plethora of tools that can streamline data collection, analysis, and insights generation. Here are some of the most popular AI-powered market research tools:

Survey & Feedback Tools:

  • Hotjar AI: Creates surveys effortlessly, generates automated reports, and integrates seamlessly with other tools.
  • SurveySparrow: Offers AI-powered question assistance, real-time feedback analysis, and employee experience assessment tools.
  • Poll the People: Conducts real-time mobile surveys with location-based targeting and sentiment analysis.

Social Listening & Analysis:

  • Brandwatch: Analyzes social media conversations to understand brand sentiment, track competitors, and identify influencers.
  • Talkwalker: Provides social listening, influencer marketing, and competitive intelligence in one platform.
  • Crimson Hexagon: Uses AI to extract insights from large volumes of social media data, news, and forums.

Text & Speech Analysis:

  • Speak Ai: Transcribes and analyzes audio and video data to extract key insights from interviews, focus groups, and customer calls.
  • Lexalytics: Offers sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and named entity recognition for analyzing text data.
  • Aylien: Provides sentiment analysis, topic classification, and language translation for various content formats.

Competitive Intelligence:

  • Crayon: Delivers real-time competitive intelligence by analyzing news, social media, and financial data.
  • SimilarWeb: Provides website traffic insights, competitor analysis, and industry trends.
  • Owler: Tracks competitor funding, news, team changes, and social media activity.

Other AI-powered Tools:

  • Latana: Uses AI to automate data collection and analysis from various online sources.
  • Tableau: Creates interactive data visualizations to uncover patterns and trends in market research data.
  • IBM Watson Tone Analyzer: Analyzes the emotional tone and sentiment of text data.

These are just a few examples of the many AI tools available for market research. The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. However, AI can be a powerful asset for any market researcher looking to gain deeper insights from their data.

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