You open Reddit, ready for your daily dose of memes, news, and niche communities. But instead...

A phone screen with the Reddit app open, showing a blank white page.

Panic starts to set in. Is it just you? Is Reddit gone forever? You frantically search for answers.

A person surrounded by question marks, frantically typing on a keyboard.

A sigh of relief. You find the Down Detector website and see... Reddit is down for everyone!

A computer screen showing the Down Detector website with a red circle next to the Reddit logo.

Time to migrate to the other platforms. Twitter explodes with #RedditDown memes, while Facebook groups become flooded with "Is it just me?" posts.

A split-screen showing trending #RedditDown tweets on one side and confused Facebook comments on the other.

Wild theories start circulating. Is it a government shutdown? A hacker attack by angry cat lovers? The internet needs its answers!

A person with a tinfoil hat reading a suspicious-looking article on their phone.

Minutes turn into hours. You refresh the page compulsively, hoping for a miracle. Productivity plummets.

A clock ticking slowly, a person refreshing a webpage repeatedly.

Finally, a flicker of hope! Reports emerge that Reddit is slowly coming back online.

A dark tunnel with a faint light visible at the end.

Finally, a flicker of hope! Reports emerge that Reddit is slowly coming back online.

A dark tunnel with a faint light visible at the end.

You dive back into the rabbit hole of subreddits, catching up on the missed memes and discussions.

A person happily scrolling through Reddit on their phone.

But you know, deep down, that one day, the dreaded message will reappear. Reddit will be down again, and the cycle will begin anew.

The Reddit logo with a mischievous wink.