1. A study published in Nature Nanotechnology presents an innovative graphene-based neurotechnology.
2. The technology is being developed for therapeutic applications by INBRAIN Microelectronics.
3. EGNITE builds on the vast experience of its inventors in fabrication and medical translation of carbon nanomaterials.
4. EGNITE offers a solution to the lack of advancement in neurotechnology materials.
5. This innovative approach addresses a critical gap in neurotechnology, with little advancement in materials over the last two decades.
6. This scientific breakthrough is a collaborative effort led by ICN2 researchers.
7. Researchers from UAB, IMB-CNM, National Graphene Institute, Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, and the University of Barcelona.
8. INBRAIN Neuroelectronics is leading the translation of the technology into clinical applications and products.
9. The industrial and innovation landscape on semiconductor engineering in Catalonia offers an opportunity to accelerate the translation of EGNITE.
10. ICN2 and its partners are working to translate this technology into a real, productive, and innovative therapeutic neurotechnology.