Climate Change - An Urgent Threat
Climate change is a pressing threat to our planet's future.
Geophysical Research Letters - A Platform for Knowledge
Geophysical Research Letters has published numerous studies on climate change.
Uncertainties in Climate Models
Climate models offer valuable insights, but have limitations.
Metrics for Measuring Climate Change
Climate sensitivity metrics measure Earth's warming response to greenhouse gases.
Importance of Understanding Underlying Processes
Model representation of processes impacts derived climate sensitivity metrics.
A Groundbreaking Study "Causes of Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models"
This highly cited study investigated the increased sensitivity in CMIP6 models.
Higher Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models
The study found a significant increase in effective climate sensitivity in CMIP6 models.
Source of Higher Sensitivity Cloud Feedbacks
The study attributes the increase to stronger negative cloud feedbacks in CMIP6 models.
Implications and the Need for Further Research
Need for rigorous evaluation of cloud physics parameterizations and other feedback mechanisms.
Geophysical Research Letters is proud to contribute to advancements in climate science.