Left side shows Elden Ring cover art, right side shows the simple logo of "Banana" with a cartoon banana.

Believe it or not

Screenshot of the Banana game showing a single banana on a plain background.

A clicking game about bananas?

List showing "Banana" at #9 on Steam's most played games, with Elden Ring, Call of Duty, and Baldur's Gate 3 below it.

Banana takes the crown

Animation of a finger clicking on the banana in the game.

So, what exactly is Banana?

It's simple: You click the banana... for more bananas!

A pile of growing bananas with happy faces.

But why is everyone clicking bananas?

Confused emoji next to a question mark.

The secret lies in Steam items!

A pile of golden banana peels (skins) with a Steam logo.

Banana rewards players with "banana skins

A single banana peel with a common rarity label.

A rare, sparkling Diamond Banana peel with a high price tag.

But wait, there's more!

A person excitedly clicking on the Banana game with dollar signs in their eyes.

Clicking for cash (maybe)?