A moment of respite in Costa del Sol turns into a battle against Hojo and Shinra.

 1. A moment of respite in Costa del Sol turns into a battle against Hojo and Shinra.

This choice doesn't significantly impact the main story.

 2. – This choice doesn't significantly impact the main story.

You'll fight alongside your chosen pair against enemies, followed by a boss fight.

 3. – You'll fight alongside your chosen pair against enemies, followed by a boss fight.

The chosen characters appreciate your assistance, slightly affecting your bond.

 4. The chosen characters appreciate your assistance, slightly affecting your bond.

To score a date with Aerith or Barret, choose their team during the Costa del Sol battle.

 5. To score a date with Aerith or Barret, choose their team during the Costa del Sol battle.

To achieve the strongest bond with a character, replay this chapter and choose the other team.

 6. – To achieve the strongest bond with a character, replay this chapter and choose the other team.

Check the "Costa del Sol Beach Fight Partner" in your "Play Log" to see who you aided.

 7. – Check the "Costa del Sol Beach Fight Partner" in your "Play Log" to see who you aided.

Check out our separate coverage of a strange FF7 Rebirth ad featuring a fox-like Sephiroth!

 8. – Check out our separate coverage of a strange FF7 Rebirth ad featuring a fox-like Sephiroth!

We'll continue to bring you exciting news and updates about FF7 Rebirth.

 9. We'll continue to bring you exciting news and updates about FF7 Rebirth.

Subscribe to our channels or website for more engaging gaming content.

 10. – Subscribe to our channels or website for more engaging gaming content.